Basics installation
          motor rewinding
    Instrumentation and control

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This unit covers the competencies required to perform workshop processes. Competencies include applying workshop Safety, use of workshop tools, instruments and equipments, preparation of workshop materials, preparation of workshop for Electrical installation practicals, Storage of Electrical tools and materials after practicals, troubleshoot and repair workshop tools and equipment

This unit covers the competencies required to install solar system. Competencies includes; Designing solar system installation, fixing solar system components, mounting solar panel, laying cables, terminating electrical and testing of a solar installation system.

This unit covers the competencies required to prepare and interpret technical drawings. It involves competencies to select, use and maintain drawing equipment and materials. It also involves producing plain geometry drawings, solid geometry drawings, pictorial and orthographic drawings of components and application of Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages.

This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate understanding of power generation. Competencies includes; identifying types of generating station, demonstrate understanding of power generating station layout, demonstrate understanding in the operation of power generating station, demonstrate understanding in the operating sequence of generating station.